Monthly Members Video Clips


FemaleMuscleWorld Videos

Just 17.95 monthly recurring for all the FemaleMuscleWorld video clips you can handle!

Enjoy clips from all the full videos we have online... we update regularly!

CLICK HERE to view a sample video clip...


What is the delivery method?
You download the video clips to your computer from inside the members area.

What name appears on my credit card statement?

How do I access the member's section?
When you join you choose a username and a password... write them down!
To enter, click on the "members login" link on the left of any page on the site. Use your username & password to enter.

I can get a free video tape?
Yes! After 30 days continuous membership simply contact Cheryl with your subscription number and choice of videotape from One more reason to join!

PLUS... get a free video or download every additional month as long as you're a member!

How do I get my free video?

You must request the video by emailing Cheryl at Please include your subscription ID number. Please include your mailing address as well as (for your security) such information is not kept on file.

What do I need to view the videos?

Windows Media Player9 Please download the latest version with the handy link below. Available for all Windows versions plus Mac!
Windows Media Player

What if I have a Mac?

First you'll need Windows Media Player. It's a free download right from the Apple site. Once you have it, to download and save a video use the 'shift-click' command. Here's a link to get it from Apple

FemaleMuscleWorld Videos


Easy Purchase with


just 17.95!

The button above gives you access to a full video download..
Recommended for broadband users only..

Purchase securely through Verotel, our authorized sales agent
17.95 monthly recurring.

Please note: You MUST enter your billing information correctly and provide a VALID EMAIL address!

If for any reason you are unable to complete a transaction simply email your credit card information to
By joining, you agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions