Just 17.95 monthly recurring for all the FemaleMuscleWorld video clips you can handle!
How do I get my free video?
You must request the video by emailing Cheryl at cheryl@mindspring.com
Please include your subscription ID number. Please include your mailing address as well as (for your security)
such information is not kept on file.
What do I need to view the videos?
Windows Media Player9 Please download the latest version with
the handy link below. Available for all Windows versions plus Mac!
Windows Media Player
What if I have a Mac?
First you'll need Windows Media Player. It's
a free download right from the Apple site.
Once you have it, to download and save a video
use the 'shift-click' command.
Here's a link to get it from
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Recommended for broadband users only..
17.95 monthly recurring.
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